Saturday, 21 January 2012

SWS and VK1602 updates

Finally got around to painting these two. First the GWH SWS;
Then the Hobbyboss VK1602:
 All the camo was sprayed freehand then touched up with the base colour after to get rid of the overspray.
Hopefully I can get some gloss varnish on the VK1602 tonight. More later...

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Alpine Miniatures 1/16 Panzer Leutnant figure

I originally painted this figure a couple of years ago but was never happy with the way the face turned out plus the paint was too shiny on the trousers, which sometimes happens with certain Vallejo acrylics.
Anyway I repainted the face about a month ago, sprayed Lifecolour matt varnish onto the trousers to kill the sheen and actually made a proper base. I think it looks a lot better!
The original figure from a couple of years back;

And now the (finally) finished piece;