I was given this figure many years ago by a good mate of mine which when painted was rather good (for me) at the time, however the years have taken it's toll and it has been stored in a box for ages so after cleaning the original paint off with Mr Muscle oven cleaner (toxic but GREAT for paint removal), cleaning up various joints and repairing the bits that fell off it was primed with Games Workshop Skull White.
Here's the 'Before' shot;
Here it is after the cleaning;
And the head after painting;
The moustache still needs painting but so far I'm quite pleased with it. Just out of interest the figure is a 90mm one by Almond Sculptures of a British Officer of the 7th Hussars 1814-15. This should keep me quiet for a bit but if it does'nt I have another 90mm figure (kindly donated by a neighbour) of a French hussar on horseback :o)
Update; I got the tunic and Pelisse painted with a very nice Vallejo blue HOWEVER the damned paint went shiny which kills a model figure straightaway. I did try matting it down with Lifecolour matt varnish but this has still left a sheen SO I've got some Lifecolour blues coming via mail order and try those instead.
Update 2; Well the Lifecolour stuff did'nt go on much better either so next to try is Andrea but this won't be until the new year (2013) so yet another project shelved for now. This is getting frustrating...