I used a piece of cardboard as a pallette to soak up some of the linseed oil as this helps the paint dry a bit quicker. The mauve seemed a little too dark straight out of the tube so I mixed in some white, the blue however looked about right. The only problem is I have to wait a week or so before I can paint the uppersurface the same way.
I'm not bothered about the leading and trailing edges as on the particular aircraft I am doing there was a white trim all the way around the wing which is provided on the decal sheet but I'll be masking and airbrushing it instead.
If you're likely to attempt this dear reader then you HAVE to be very precise with decal placement as my ham fisted way of doing things resulted in a couple of gaps between sections, luckily the worst bits are on the undersurface.
On the whole though I would have preferred a totally olive-green wing :o)